Thursday, December 16, 2010

gallery trip 1

Knowledge Hacking

At UC Berkeley

This was quite the interesting topic to wrap my mind around. The idea of converting the kinetic energy that we produce every day, that normally is just given off as heat, into a harnessable charge was ingenious. The idea itself seems simple however the execution is obviously a tremendous amount of work. I loved how each art piece was strikingly deferent than the next all the while staying on point with the theme. I would say that my favorite piece from the show was the piece that was curtained off and viewers had to step inside. Once inside the viewer had to interact with the piece. The idea was that the viewer places there hands on a device that had various levers that each finger can push. Lights would then light up in accordance to the fingers moved. I really like the idea behind this piece, however I was sad that when I went the piece was not functioning correctly. Overall I would say that this show changed my perspective on art and opened my eyes a little more to what concept art is. Before this show, I was to used to the idea that art was static and untouchable. I found it fun and refreshing that this show called for the audience to be involved.

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