Friday, November 30, 2012

A Few Things

It's been, what, a week... two weeks....since I last posted? I haven't done much. Darn my lack of motivation! *fist shake*

Oh well.

Here's what I have to show. The tentacle and the pomegranate area art of my sketchbook for school. I'm pretty behind.....ughhhh......but probably not as behind as my friend Arvin! I still have the weekend to catch up'll be fiiiiiiiiine :) These are both gauche and inking with india ink. I do love me some india ink. I dig the comic book effect that I got for combining the two mediums!

Here we have more fan art. I know, I know. I said I would cut down. But this has been sitting in my sketchbook waiting for a rainy day! I had to do it! Because it rained today. The rain made me do it. There is a wonder woman piece in the works as well. This Power Girl piece is gauche with india ink. It was originally longer as to emphasize the eye lasers....but I messed up the background so I amputated the left portion of the piece. Still looks cool though. My scanner is killing my colors! I through this in photoshop to clean it a little but I didn't come out as true to the original.

This last one is almost a collaboration with my and my sister.....if collaboration means stealing her drawing and coloring it lol. I like the way it turned out! Sadly I have a very distinct inking style so the character lost a lot of Sarah's hand. :/ Still looks cool though. Again the scanner has eaten some of the color. She's really freakin' yellow in this picture...she's not that yellow in the painting! Gauche and india ink.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Sailor Moon Kisses

Sailor Moon fanart! I really need to cut back on the fan art. I decided that I do fan art in order to 1.) experiment with media techniques and 2.) to make myself feel better. I feel as though fan art is a way to feel better about my skills because my own original work doesn't seem to be as good or as fully developed.

For this piece I started with a doodle I did the other day. Then used a mixture of watercolor pencil, prismacolor markers and white gauche. The gauche really makes it pop, especially in contrast with some of the thick dark lines.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kale Wins

"K" is for Klassy Kale! haha

So I like to title this one "Kale Wins." This is another fan art for Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders. Kale, being the badass villain she is, has gotten a hold of the crown jewels. Honestly I spent waaaay to long on this piece. However, it's possibly the best piece of photoshop work I have so yea! Practice!

I couldn't choose which color scheme I wanted so I'm posting both.
I'm  posting the original pencil for it too just because I like how alive the lines look!

I'm still surprised at the lack of fan art for this show. I would have thought that this and Lisa Frank art would have a bunch of fan made stuff on the interwebs. Oh well. I just continue to contribute.

In other news, if anyone likes Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders, you should consider looking into out comic Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld. It's now getting a reboot as pat of the new 52 for DC and it looks great! I like the original comic but this new one isn't bad! It's printed under the title Swords and Sorcery.  Check out your local comic book store today!