Monday, April 8, 2013

One Hour Wine

Oh! The homework! Still not even done yet! I took the day off from school today just so I could finish it all! So far I've gotten my still life underpainting done, my cover letter/resume/thank you assignment done and my four 1 hour paintings done. Still have 15 character designs to do. Ugh! I just wanna play battle block theater. I feel like my attention span has been depleted for the day.

Well, here are the 4 paintings. I had the hardest time deciding on the object to paint.....I have no interesting objects. So I defaulted to my one wine glass. Ohhhh poor lonely wine glass. He needs a friend. I ended up using coffee in place of wine and slowly depleted in over the course of the four paintings. I'm not sure if there was an improvement in the painting....I did get fast. So at least there's that. However, my shapes are not accurate. Poor lopsided wine glass!

Acrylic on illustration board


  1. These are really good Amber!
    The one with the green background is my favorite.

  2. yea I really like that one. Inga liked the dark blue one. I was proud of all of them. Best thing Ive done all semester!

    1. haha I also notice that the amount of wine got progressively lower after each painting... nice touch

  3. the blue one.. hehe it's like the lights got turned out! good job
