Tuesday, November 2, 2010

logo project

For this project I wanted to focus humanitarian sort of effort. Instead of creating a logo or sign that would cause viewers to question others, I wanted to create a design which would have them reflect upon themselves. I wanted to pair text and picture in a cohesive way which was not intimidating to to viewer. As a result I came up with this adorable logo with two birds which reads 'conscience conscious.' The text is a spin off of the phrase "krishna conscious." I wanted the logo to be able to awaken the viewers from their hazy ego centric state by first grabbing them with color and then secondly by confusing them with the text. I felt the alliteration made the slogan catchy and the use of approximate homonym would cause the viewer to pause and try to recall which word means which. 'Conscience conscious' asks people to become aware of how they treat people as well as how their actions affect the greater whole. The message can be seen as altruistic and a precursor for the idea of 'cosmic conscious.'

Here I made the logo into a sticker pasted it in a campaign slogan which if read with the logo would read "It's all about the conscience conscious." I originally wanted to post it in parks as a way to promote courtesy and respect between children and also be seen by parents. However, I was to short to post the sticker on the park signs. I settled for a campaign sign for the school district instead. The only thing I would do different is make the logo bigger so that it can be readable from the road adjacent to the sign. Certain printers were running out of ink even though the cartridges were just changed, so I had to settle with a small print!!!

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