Monday, October 22, 2012

Week 5 Elemental

Week 5 was my choice and I decided to go more along the lines of experimentation as opposed to research.  The premise was to do a self portrait but depict yourself as an elemental that you saw best fit for your personality.  After some deliberation I went with wind. Sometimes I'm calm, sometimes I'm in a flurry, most of the time I'm easy going.  I reeeeeeally wanted to put wind turbines in the picture to help with the "wind" theme. I loooooove me some wind turbine! I also couldn't resist the use of clouds.

 I ended up experimenting with color and media. I knew I wanted the lighting to depict a sunset...I felt it would reference my orange hair. Also, I wanted the warm lighting to contrast with blues which i normally feel embody "air." The piece over all is really interesting. I like the contrast and I loooove the oranges! I thought the lighting came across really well.....The scanner, on the other hand, tore the piece to shit.....Allll them colors have been destroyed. Good Job scanner >:/. I promise the piece is so much cooler in person! Where did all the orange might ask. The scanner ate it.


  1. Hmmm... I actually get more of a sunrise feeling here because of the yellow with blue. It's more cool feeling than a sunset. To create a warmer, more sunset like feel, I think you could actually make your hair orange and incorporate similar orange shades around the picture to create unity. And pinks. Pinks are good. And the thinnest atmosphere could be purple. Definitely purple O_O

  2. There is a lot of orange and purple in the original....dumb scanner!!!! Only giving me yellow and blue!! I actually used very little yellow! Hes a jerk!
