Saturday, December 22, 2012

Drunken Macaroni and a 30 Day Challenge

So I closed the restaurant tonight and got home around midnight 30 so I was not tired in the slightest. I spent about an hour watching My Drunk Kitchen (I love Hannah! She's so cute!) and decided that the show would be a lot funnier if the audience was also drunk while watching it...and the answer is yes. Yes it is.

So after about 3/4 of a bottle of free wine, the Adventure Time game soundtrack and a pot of drunken macaroni and cheese later I started the my 30 day monster challenge. Today is day one and it is Harpy day! So here it is! In all it's drunken constructed glory! Are you questioning the pose? Why would she extend her leg if she was flying forward at break neck speed? Because I'm drunk and I'll make my Harpy do what I want. Also, as just a side note, I'm counting this drawing as my Friday December 21st drawing....since I have yet to go to bed.

I'm also including a storyboard of something that happened to me tonight at work. I thought it was funny and merited a mention in some sort of pictorial form. hahahaha



"Have you looked in the mirror lately?"

"You've dipped you're hair in chocolate"

In conclusion, I can't finish my drunken macaroni by myself. Life lesson: Never conclude anything with the opening 'in conclusion.'

1 comment:

  1. Yay drunk drawing xD I like the little tufts of feathers on her legs, and that evil screechy look on her face xP I see what you meant on my harpy with the whole backgrounds thing; yours really makes it look like she's whooshing through the air o.o
