Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 16, Day 17, Day 18. Three Days Crammed Into One.

So I fell behind. Life happens. Cars break down. Bank accounts become barren. Crying ensues. Full bottles of wine are drinken. All that Jazz. We can all learn a lesson from St. Walker and the Blue Lanterns....(pst...those are the hope lanterns!). So here I have Day 16, Day 17, Day 18. Yea! Drawing marathon! This catches me up to date. I have a lot of free time tomorrow so I might actually work ahead, that way I have time before the semester starts to design and print the book!

Day 16 Ghost

This is my second attempt at this piece. The first attempt was sketched out in photoshop and, after a bottle of wine, was discarded for massive amounts of ugly. I sketched this one, as well as the following two monsters, out on paper first. Then inked and transferred it to photoshop. I just feel like my thought process is different on paper than it is on the computer. Also, my line work is better overall with pen.

I really enjoy this peice. I think its adorable and fun. I was pleased that I got a sense of personality out of my ghost girl. She comes across as quite the little prankster. This piece acheives what I believe slime girl achieves, and thats a sense of story by use of solely character and prop. Coincidentally both pieces have that pudgy simplified style. As for the color, I wanted the feel of a dark, empty, dirty space so the colors are muted as well as on the purple side.

Day 17 Robot

Whenever I think robot girl, I immediately think of a sex robot. This is what sci-fi has taught me! It's not my fault! So I wanted to come up with a robot girl who is aware that robots are used as sexual objects but rejects that this case with weaponry.

Again, this piece was sketched on paper first, then inked and scanned into the computer.

Features of this robot girl:
 -Buzz saws. Good idea? Or Great idea?
- Wings comprised of automatic guns. How do you reload the ammo? Refer to your handbook, this is   not a FAQ page!
 - A mouth that is not a hole, but instead flaps that move up and down over a screen that shows the                    sound wavelengths of her voice during conversation. Results in a lot of staring at her mouth while she is talking.
- Semi Automatic sold separately.

Day 18 Alien

So I've been told that a lot of inspiration for sci-fi creatures comes from deep oceanic creatures. Things like squids, angler fish, funky coral and the like are used as spring boards for a lot of alien concepts. This is due to their ability to function in an environment that mimics space. These creatures can survive intense pressure, extreme cold or extreme heat, and little to no light. I, however, did not take this approach. Instead I went with my fascination for fungi. The fungi this alien is based upon is the bioluminous mushroom. These mushrooms produce a soft glow from the edges of their gills as well as from the area where the gills and the stem meet.

I was proud that I figured out how to create a glow for this peice. Hooray refine edge! I knew you could do it! The piece would loose a lot of story and effect without that glow. In fact, if I didn't add it the alien would look like a sea creature! I like the expression I got out of this character. I wanted the piece to show an alien girl (princess?) whom is lost. I really wanted scared or disoriented to come across. This creature is able to twist her head around multiple times due to a lack of structure or muscle in that area. The same goes for where her elbows would be. The more twists, the more stressed the alien.

I just can't get over how varied the styles are for the pieces even though I drew them one right after the other. What's up with that?

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